You can find all the below styles in scss/_type.scss
The brand font we use is Replica.
We use it in two weights, Replica Pro Bold, and Replica Pro Heavy. We use Replica primarily for headers, often in all caps.
Here are a few simple ways to modify the look of your headers without needing to create custom classes.
Uppercase your title with .header--uppercase
Remove the lead from the top of the header with .header--no-lead
Remove the spacing from the bottom of the header with .header--no-trailer
Looks aren’t everything? Tell that to the ugly headsets. The Siberia 800 was designed to resemble a stealth bomber, sleek and deadly. The modern allure of the headset and transmitter are guaranteed to raise eyebrows.
Looks aren’t everything? Tell that to the ugly headsets. The Siberia 800 was designed to resemble a stealth bomber, sleek and deadly. The modern allure of the headset and transmitter are guaranteed to raise eyebrows.